Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Dollar

Should America have a weak dollar or strong dollar? At first thought this seems like an easy question to answer, a strong dollar of course. Then I think of the effect a strong dollar has on the interpersonal relations with the rest of the world and there forth they might go to another distributer in another country. If we have a weak dollar, the cost of imports in other countries will seem to cost us more. So it is not an easy answer after all, while there are both negatives and positives for both choices. I contemplate the two not so simple choices at hand and I way the options, in my final decision I decide that America should have a strong dollar. A strong dollar to begin with has great moral for the American people. In this case consumers will be more willing to go out and purchase whatever is out there, they will fill like they are worth something and their dollar is worth something. So in turn if our exports are not at an all time high, our internal economy will possibly make up for it. Just like when the country is in a recession and everybody continues to remind everybody else, moral is very low and no one want to go anywhere do or buy anything. So when it comes to the economy it is all physiological, just like marketing is the same way. So in my final conclusion I believe that having a strong dollar would be the best for America rather than a weak dollar, because after all, don’t we all want to be strong.

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